Annamaria Ortu
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Annamaria Ortu

E-mail: ortu [at] chalmers [dot] se

Office: Office H3015, Chalmers Tvärgata 3, 412 58 Göteborg, Sweden


I am a postdoc in Geometry at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

I obtained my PhD at SISSA, Trieste, Italy, in September 2023, under the supervision of Ruadhaí Dervan and Jacopo Stoppa. Before, I studied Mathematics at the University of Milan "Statale" and at the University of Trieste. In 2022 I spent some time at the University of Cambridge as a visiting PhD student, hosted by Ruadhaí Dervan.

I am Italian.


My research focus is on complex geometry, mainly Kähler manifolds with special curvature properties and the link with algebro-geometric stability conditions and moduli problems. Currently, I am working on the geometric properties of holomorphic fibrations.

My PhD thesis, titled The geometry of holomorphic submersions, their deformations and moduli, can be found here (also on Iris).


  • Moment maps and stability of holomorphic submersions. arXiv preprint: 2407.03246, 2024.
  • Constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics and semistable vector bundles. with Lars Martin Sektnan. arXiv preprint: 2406.08284, 2024.
  • The analytic moduli space of holomorphic submersions. arXiv preprint: 2306.09137, 2023.
  • Optimal symplectic connections and deformations of holomorphic submersions. arXiv: 2201.12562, 2022. (Advances in Mathematics, Vol 414, 2023.


In 2024 I partecipated to the programme New Equivariant Methods in Geometry at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge (webpage).

Sometimes I speak about my work at conferences and seminars.

I have organised the Complex Geometry Seminar at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge (February 2024), the Junior Geometry and Mathematical Physics seminar (website) at SISSA (A.A. 2022/23) and the online Graduate Inter-university Math seminar (website) (2020 and 2021).

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